Finally, we decided to send my maid home after all the nonsense things that she did, she really challenged me till my maximum limit! When I asked her to bring the washed floor mat to upstairs and hang it at the balcony, she brought it up and hangs it on sofa!!! Yet, when I asked her, she said "sudah jemur luar"(I can hear from downstairs whether she open the glass door and the gate or not). When I walked up, and confront her, she gives me an ignorance look and said"Sini pun boleh kering"! Vomit blood or not??!!
She also refused to wash her own clothes; she kept her dirty clothes in her room, and wears it again and again without washing it. When I tell her that she MUST wash her clothes daily, she answered me " Tak apalah, saya boleh pakai macam ini". She even used my house phone without approval and she had told us many many stories to cover all her lies. Deep in my heart, I really can’t trust her anymore. I don’t even want her to wash Anna's bottles. So ended up, I had a maid at home and I still doing most of the house work.
I always tell my husband we had hired a rich women work for us, why I said so? Coz she can finish 1 bottle sunlight dishwasher in a week, 1 little floor cleaner in 10 days and her toothbrush need to be change every 2 weeks!
I had successfully breastfeed Anna till she is 13 months, but I had a very challenging time to wean her from breast milk. My first challenge was, Anna refuse to suck from bottle. I had many different type and brand of teats and bottle at my house, Avent, Nuk, Medela...None of it she takes. Finally she choose Pigeon bottle! (Slap my forehead!)