Thursday, June 4, 2009

Anna & Isaac

Anna was really cheeky, whenever I open a new toy for Isaac, she will tell me that she want to try the toy instead of she want the toy, see how happy she was while "trying" new things.
Do they have the sister brother look?

Anna was "trying" the pacifier, she put it in her mouth for half a day. Whenever she talk/play, the pacifier come out from her mouth, and she will pick it up and put it in her mouth again. After few times, she decided to give it back to me and ask me to give to Isaac. LOL

Isaac was addicted to the sarong, he can spend few hour in it (is an electrical cradle, i do not need to swing him) I am glad that Anna is not keen to try on it, she found it very scarry when I try to put her in it thinking that she want to try this too. She still find sofa and cot is the best place to sleep :) Same manufacturer, but diffrent personality. Oh,  I really found they both are totally diffrent, Anna is a hot temper, impatient and cheeky, while Isaac is a very calm baby, even he is hungry, his cry was soft and he can wait till i get my things done, not like Anna, while Anna need to be feed at this age, she will cry her lung out, screaming, bawling,  she cant wait even just 30 seconds.